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Cookie Handling

LEPTON sets (as nearly all cms) a session cookie to handle some vars in the backend (login) and frontend (edit_page). This session cookie is almost accepted from EU General Data Protection Regulation and there is normally no cookie optin/optout neccessary.

But addons can also add cookies to your LEPTON installation and some are afraid to work wirthout cookie optin/optout so we offer different ways to handle cookies.

1. Standard: there is an admintool cookie (part of the package) that is automatically installed during LEPTON installation. All you have to do is set a droplet call to your frontend template and the tool is working. For details please read this.

2. Extended: if you want to work with a cookie consent management provider you can download coopiepro addon from LEPAdoR. More information are available in the docs.

3. No Cookies: If you are sure to work without any cookie in the frontend you can use following code. Insert code at the end of the index file of your frontend template. But keep in mind, that there is no function like login or edit_page working now in the frontend.

if (defined('SESSION_STARTED'))
    LEPTON_session::set_cookie(session_name(), "", ['expires' => time() - 3600]);

For any further questions please use the forum.