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install on usb webserver

A short tutorial for users playing around with LEPTON on an onboard webserver (USB Webserver)

You can follow this tutorial to get LEPTON run on a USB device or download a current package with an installed LEPTON directly from our homepage.


  • download USB-Webserver from https://www.usbwebserver.net/webserver
  • unzip all files and copy them in a new folder i.e. with name "lepton_USBW"
  • delete all files in "root" folder (index.php, style.css and images)
  • download current LEPTON stable version from http://www.lepton-cms.org/english/download.php and unzip file
  • go in to the folder "upload" , copy all files/folders, insert them in the folder "root" from usbwebserver
  • move to the folder that you create before i.e. lepton_USBW to start Web Server (usbwebserver.exe),
    important! have a look on messages from firewall, they don't block the application, apache and MySQL must be green
  • optional check the right port, it should be 3307 ( USB Webser/settings )
  • click on Localhost, the LEPTON install page http://localhost:8080/install/index.php?sessions_checked=true should be open (Step1/6)
  • follow the instrcutions and compare the settings with images below


have fun



Thanks to Torsten for this tutorial.