How to use the precheck.php
The module file precheck.php allows you to define pre-installation checks for your module. (Check the required LEPTON- or PHP-Version, for example.) To do this, create a file named precheck.php in your module directory (like install.php and uninstall.php) and define an array called $PRECHECK. The following array keys are recognized:
Required LEPTON-Version.
Code example:
$PRECHECK['LEPTON_VERSION'] = array('VERSION' => '1.0', 'OPERATOR' => '>=');
The attribute OPERATOR may be omitted; default is '>=', which means 'bigger or equal'.
Required PHP-Version.
Code example:
$PRECHECK['PHP_VERSION'] = array('VERSION' => '5.2.6', 'OPERATOR' => '>=');
The attribute OPERATOR can be omitted. Default is '>='.
Required PHP extensions. Expects an array with the extension names.
Code example:
$PRECHECK['PHP_EXTENSIONS'] = array('gd', 'libxml');
php.ini settings required. Expects an array; keys are the attributes as defined in the php.ini, values are the required settings.
Code example:
$PRECHECK['PHP_SETTINGS'] = array('display_errors' => '1', 'safe_mode' => '0');
If you need any additional checks, you may define CUSTOM_CHECKS. The values can be encountered programmatically (check if a special sub folder exists or something).
The following code example checks if template "blank" is installed:
$status = file_exists(LEPTON_PATH . '/templates/blank/info.php'); $required = $TEXT['INSTALLED']; $actual = ($status) ? $TEXT['INSTALLED'] : $TEXT['NOT_INSTALLED'];
$PRECHECK['CUSTOM_CHECKS'] = array( 'Template: blank' => array('REQUIRED' => $required, 'ACTUAL' => $actual, 'STATUS' => $status) );
NOTICE: the file precheck.php must be located in the root of the module directory to be executed automatically.