feel free to keep it strictly simple...


Method "build_and_execute"

Public function to build and execute a mySQL query direct. Use this function/method for update and insert values only.

As for a simple select you can use "prepare_and_execute" above. See file "class.database.php" for details. 


Class-Method available since L* 1.3.2



/*   1 */	$fields = array(
/*   2 */		'page_id' => $page_id,
/*   3 */		'section_id' => $section_id,
/*   4 */		'content'	=> "",
/*   5 */		'whatis'	=> 0
/*   6 */	);
/*   7 */	
/*   8 */	$database->build_and_execute(
/*   9 */		"insert",
/*  10 */		TABLE_PREFIX."mod_code2",
/*  11 */		$fields
/*  12 */	);