frontend-login in 1-series
If you use the frontend-login or frontend-signup you can use your own template files and styles.
Only place template-files in the /template directory and css-files in the /css directory of your template.
Following files can be used
- signup_form => .htt, .lte or .css
- preferences_form => .htt, .lte or .css
- forgot_form => .htt, .lte or .css
- login_form => .htt, .lte or .css
- under_construction => .htt or .lte
All files will be automatically included by the system.
Examples can be found in the LEPTON template that is delivered with LEPTON package.
Notice: If you use the droplet LoginBox css files will not automatically be included. Please copy the content of the specififc css files to your standard css file of your Template.