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Help and Documentation

This is the comprehensive documentation for the module MPForm. The help pages have been classified into different levels of difficulty. The following levels are defined, and can be found near the upper right corner of each page:

Level of difficulty A

Level of difficulty B

Level of difficulty C

Just in case the documentation did not answer all of your questions, you could have a look into the FAQ.


Backend view

When you have installed the mpform module and created your first page with this type of module, the page in the backend looks approximately like this:


In the upper area, there are buttons to edit the general and the advanced settings and one to edit the CSS files in order to customize the appearance of the forms.
On the second row there are the elements for exporting the current form and for importing again a file which was created in that way.
Next, there is an area which lets you manage the fields of the form. In a freshly created section this area is empty. With the button "Add field" you can subsequently add the various elements to your form. Once added you can manage their order by means of Drag&Drop, by clicking on the trash icon you can remove fields again and you can edit them with a click on the pencil icon. The star indicates if the field is currently active/inactive/readonly or an optional or mandatory field. By clicking on the star icon you can alternate among the various states.
The submissions of the form end up in the buttom area. They can be manipulated/deleted in a similar fashion.