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function.random_string.php File Reference

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 random_string (int $iNumOfChars=8, string $aType="alphanum")


if(!defined("SEC_FILE")) if(defined('LEPTON_PATH')) else
 $root = $oneback
 $level = 1

Function Documentation

◆ random_string()

random_string ( int  $iNumOfChars = 8,
string  $aType = "alphanum" 

Function to generate a random-string. Random-Strings are often used inside LEPTON-CMS, e.g. Captcha, Modul-Form, User-Account, Forgot-Password, etc.

@notice This function is not(!) included in the function-summary!

int$iNumOfCharsNumber of chars to generate. Default is 8 (chars).
string$aTypeType, default is 'alphanum'. Possible values are: 'alphanum' = Generates an alphanumeric string with chars and numbers. 'alpha' = Generates only chars. 'chars' = Also generates only chars. 'lower' = Only lower cases are used. 'num' = Generates only numbers. 'pass' = Generates an alphanumeric string within some special chars e.g. '&', '$' or '|'. '<anyString>' = Generates a shuffled string with these chars.
string A shuffled string within the chars.

@examples random_string()

  • Will generate something like 'abC2puwm' (8 chars).


  • The same, but only 5 chars, e.g. 'abc56' or '2wsd4'.

random_string(8, 'num')

  • Will result in a random number-string e.g. '0898124'

random_string(8, 'Aldus')

  • Will generate a shuffled-string with thees chars like 'sAdludsA'.

Definition at line 73 of file function.random_string.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $level

$level = 1

Definition at line 25 of file function.random_string.php.

◆ $root

$root = $oneback

Definition at line 24 of file function.random_string.php.

◆ else

while(($level< 10) &&(!file_exists($root.SEC_FILE))) if (file_exists( $root.SEC_FILE)) else
Initial value:
$oneback = "../"

This file is part of LEPTON Core, released under the GNU GPL Please see LICENSE and COPYING files in your package for details, specially for terms and warranties.

NOTICE:LEPTON CMS Package has several different licenses. Please see the individual license in the header of each single file or info.php of modules and templates.

LEPTON Project

Definition at line 22 of file function.random_string.php.