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function.create_iCal_file.php File Reference

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 create_iCal_file (string $title, string $location='Anywhere', string $startdate='2025-01-01', string $starttime='10:30:00', string $enddate='2025-01-01', string $endtime='12:00:00', string $description='Description', string $reminder='60', string $reminder_text='Reminder', string $filename=LEPTON_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/event.ics')


if(!defined("SEC_FILE")) if(defined('LEPTON_PATH')) else
 $root = $oneback
 $level = 1

Function Documentation

◆ create_iCal_file()

create_iCal_file ( string $title,
string $location = 'Anywhere',
string $startdate = '2025-01-01',
string $starttime = '10:30:00',
string $enddate = '2025-01-01',
string $endtime = '12:00:00',
string $description = 'Description',
string $reminder = '60',
string $reminder_text = 'Reminder',
string $filename = LEPTON_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/event.ics' )

Function to create and save an iCal file from given data Detailed information: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5545

string$titleThe name of the event
string$locationThe location of the event
string$startdateThe startdate, format = yyyy-mm-dd
string$starttimeThe starttime, format = h:m
string$enddateThe enddate, format = yyyy-mm-dd
string$endtimeThe endtime, format = h:m
string$descriptionThe description of the event
string$reminderThe reminder in minutes, that the user will get, format = '60', means 60 minutes in before event starts
string$reminder_textThe info, the remider should diplay, for example 'Erinnerung'
string$filenameThe complete path and filename of the file

Definition at line 58 of file function.create_iCal_file.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $level

$level = 1

Definition at line 26 of file function.create_iCal_file.php.

◆ $root

$root = $oneback

Definition at line 25 of file function.create_iCal_file.php.

◆ else

while(($level< 10) &&(!file_exists($root.SEC_FILE))) if (file_exists( $root.SEC_FILE)) else
Initial value:
$oneback = "../"

This file is part of LEPTON Core, released under the GNU GPL Please see LICENSE and COPYING files in your package for details, specially for terms and warranties.

NOTICE:LEPTON CMS Package has several different licenses. Please see the individual license in the header of each single file or info.php of modules and templates.

LEPTON Project

Definition at line 23 of file function.create_iCal_file.php.